Not Too Drunk...
...but really, too lazy to fuck?
When it comes down to this, humanity is in real trouble. If you lack the energy to have sex, you have more problems than this device is going to solve.
When it comes down to this, humanity is in real trouble. If you lack the energy to have sex, you have more problems than this device is going to solve.
I personally liked the comment about "No matter what she's doing up there, he's safe down there". That's what I want, by golly! Sex without TOUCHING!!! WOOHOO! ;)
Darkneuro, at Tuesday, August 09, 2005 8:25:00 PM
At first, I was like, "What the fuck?". But then, I realized that it would be very beneficial for partners with mobility issues (the disabled, for example), and pregnant women. Of course, they don't market to those people, no sireee. Not glamorous enough, I guess. Or something.
Avatar, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:32:00 PM
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