Diary of An Unrepentant Sex Addict

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

This Blog(ger) Will Soon Be Moving

In a curious twist, following on my lay-off of last month, it looks like my next permanent job will not be in the bay area of California. Oh, I'll be here for at least another month or so, as I take care of a contract with a NYC firm and some local contract work. But somwhere around mid-April or so, I'll be leaving.

Leaving California, leaving the U.S.

Unless something goes completely awry (such as, say, failing to be granted a work permit), I will be joining a company in London, England. This is at once exciting and a little scary. Maybe a little more scary than exciting, I don't know.


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Friday, February 24, 2006

Someday I'll Get Back to Blogging About Sex

I have surgery on my foot in a few hours (can't sleep). The foot issue and the whole looking for a new job thing have just taken the libido right out from under me. I did have a great time with a local escort, and I've been prompted to write some entries on a particular theme (anonymous encounters) that already has me cherry-picking from my memories. I promise I'll be back to normal soon.


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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Who Doesn't Enjoy a Good Cheney?

From Violet Blue, I learn that "Cheney" is starting to pick up steam as a euphemism for facial come-shot. I heartily approve. There is some debate as to whether it should be limited to "unexpected" shots or not. I think it should. Otherwise, we end up retroactively naming an entire sub-genre of porn.

Here it is, used in a sentence with another, related name-cum-noun:

So she was doing this amazing Lewinsky on me, but at the last minute she decided against swallowing and tried to pull away, and she ended up getting Cheneyed, big-time.

Spread the word, and remember to duck!



Wednesday, February 08, 2006

More Travel in my Future

Well, I'm back from Denver. No nookie for Dausa, I just can't bring myself to lead people on like I might have 10 years ago, and the person my friend was trying to hook me up with didn't seem to be on the same page as I was.

However, all is not lost! While sex continues to elude me in both California and Colorado, I have just learned I'm being offered a contract to do some work in New York City. Without giving away too much (and linking this blog to my Real Life Blog), the work is highly specialized, and I literally wrote the book on the subject. As in, available at Amazon or a Barnes & Nobles near you. The schedule remains to be ironed out, but I'm looking forward to it. There are several amazing bloggers in that area that I'd love to meet in person. And one or two that I'd love to do more than just meet...


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Saturday, February 04, 2006

Back in the DNVR

Spending a few days in Denver, again. Just felt like getting away from California for a bit, and the ticket was cheap. My friend out here is trying to set me up with a female friend of hers... I kind of blew the first meeting pretty badly, though. We all had dinner this evening, but I didn't feel like I had any real chances at opening a conversation, and after the friend left, my host gave me grief over not talking to her more. I didn't sleep last night, and I had to do a lot of walking on my broken foot-- I had to go from one concourse to another in Phoenix, and pulled into the the one concourse at Denver's airport that doesn't have people-movers in it. So I was tired, my foot hurt like hell, and apparently I wasn't suitably flirty-enough. Better luck tomorrow, maybe. I mean, she's more than cute-enough, but she isn't someone I'd date on a long-term basis. And if I tap that, and then move out here, she may expect a longer commitment out of me...


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